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Mind Matters - A Grief Carol

As is our holiday custom, my wife and I were watching the highly entertaining Muppets version of the timeless tale A Christmas Carol last week. Viewing this version of the story began when my …

Did you know that Christopher Columbus discovered America while cursing about the Atlantic? And that his ships were called the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Fe? No, I didn’t know that either. …

I have never been a very touchy-feely person. I was trained as a biologist and chemist, then went to medical school where more science on top of science was aimed at me like a gushing firehose. I …

Okay, this is one that I need to get off my chest, and some of you will not like it. Columns are fickle things, and Mind Matters is no different. Sometimes my biweekly pieces write themselves, full …

Recently I’ve been teaching a lot of nonfiction to my students. We studied biographies a couple of weeks ago, and last week we transitioned to reading autobiographies. We read “Funeral” by …

“Are you wearing a Christmas shirt?” my wife asked with a slight hint of embarrassment and disbelief in her voice. We were heading to supper after work on Nov. 1 when she noticed my shirt that …

Mind Matters: What is your living legacy?

After my mother-in-law died last month, the family was faced with the task of going through her things, her apartment, her papers, her life. That process, for those of you who have lost someone close …

Have you ever wondered how long you can store perishable foods that have been vacuum-packed? It would seem like air-proof packaging would keep them safe for a very long time - right?? Not …

What do you look forward to when you sit down to a meal? Are you most concerned with how the food looks or are you busier calculating the quantity of vitamins, fiber, and protein? For 99% of …

Haggis is 'offal', not 'awful'

I love to eat. I also love to travel. Traveling serves up new sights, smells, sounds, and tastes. As a foodie, I personally enjoy experiencing the culinary delicacies of the places I visit, even …

This week, I wanted to spend some time taking a look at some of the characters that will make an appearance in my upcoming book (tentatively titled Blackmane’s Chest). These characters are …

Over the past month and a half or so, I’ve been in the process of editing my upcoming book, a fantasy novelette about a vampire hunter named Veran Bloodstalker. I hired a very talented editor …

I love telling people that I was an English major in college. It feels like a badge of honor when I tell someone that I spent four years diving into literature and writing papers. I studied the …

The Witcher Books The Witcher is both a Netflix series as well as a collection of video games, but it started as a series of books by Andrzej Sapkowski. Though I won’t watch the show or play the …

As a native South Carolinian, I’m used to “Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.” During a recent vacation to Scotland and Ireland, this lifelong Southerner felt right at home. These two …

After more than three years of relief, the payment pause on student loans is coming to an end. The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that student loan interest will resume September 1, …

It’s that time of year again: Melon season! What are some practical tips on purchasing and using melons? Buying Melons • When selecting melons of any variety, look for quality and …

It seems that I have fallen into the habit of reading one Stephen King book per year. This year, I picked up The Outsider, a story about a baseball coach, Terry Maitland, who is arrested for the …

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are taught to do their part to leave this world a better place than they found it. However, this is a valuable lesson we all should practice. Peggy Kirkland certainly …

Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated when outdoor temperatures and humidity levels are extremely high. Dehydration is a health risk, especially for young children and the elderly. To avoid …

Summertime is in full swing and that means the grocery store is colorful with fresh fruits and vegetables. Produce is at the most vibrant and tasty and that can provide the perfect opportunity to …

Writing can be a pain in the keister. Sometimes I don’t feel like sitting down and getting into the nitty-gritty of writing. I’d rather play Xbox, watch anime, or just pull my teeth out with a …

A few weeks ago, I let my readers know that I was planning to release my first book in late August or early September. I have connected with an editor to have the novelette undergo developmental, …

It’s been almost a year since I announced Project Nightshade, a dark fantasy book about a young girl looking for her lost memories in a magical world. The plan was to publish the book in a year, …

This summer, I am fortunate enough to participate in a summer arts camp teaching students Dungeons and Dragons. The summer camp is being held at Macedonia Elementary-Middle School where I attended …

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