Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

2 seek Republican Primary nomination for Barnwell County Council District 3

James 'Andy' Hogg and David Peachey will be facing one another in the June 11 primary election for the Republican ticket. The winner of the Republican Primary will face Democrat Willie Walker in November during the General Election.


Three are running for the District 3 seat on Barnwell County Council: James “Andy” Hogg, David Peachey, and Willie Walker.

District 3 represents the outskirts of the incorporated areas of the Town of Williston, as well as the residences on the college-named streets east of Williston-Elko High School.

Hogg and Peachey will be facing one another in the June 11 primary election for the Republican ticket. The winner of the Republican Primary will face Democrat Willie Walker in November during the General Election.

Andy Hogg is a lifelong resident of Barnwell County, and grew up in Kline.

He is married with two daughters. He is a Barnwell High School graduate, received an associates degree in criminal justice from Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, and a bachelor’s degree in organizational manage-
ment from Voorhees College.

James 'Andy' Hogg runs for the Barnwell County Council District 3 seat.
James 'Andy' Hogg runs for the Barnwell County Council District 3 seat.

Before his retirement, he worked in Centerra’s training department at the Savannah River Site. Hogg is certified to train instructors to teach first aid, professional rescue, CPR, and EMS responder courses through the American Red Cross. Hogg became a captain as a Barnwell
County Sheriff’s Office reserve deputy serving four sheriffs. He has volunteered for the Barnwell Rescue Squad, Barnwell City Fire Department, and Long Branch Fire Department, where he was chief, for over 30 years. At the Long Branch FD, he established the Community Risk Reduction program alongside his wife. He has served on the Lowcountry Support Team for over 13 years.

David Peachey was born and raised in southwest Florida. Throughout his school-aged years and into his adult life he often visited Barnwell County.

David Peachey is running for the Barnwell County Council District 3 seat.
David Peachey is running for the Barnwell County Council District 3 seat.

During his military service, Peachey lived in several states and countless communities before his wife and three children chose to call Barnwell County home over nine years ago. Early in life, Peachey was an active member and officer of his local 4-H, Future Farmers of America (FFA), and Cattlemen organizations where he developed leadership skills. After graduating high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he served worldwide for over 20 years before retiring. While in the Air Force, Peachey was a special agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations where he earned many awards including a Bronze Star. During this time, Peachey was also a law enforcement officer and a National Registry Emergency Medical Technician. Additionally, he graduated from several intermediate and senior-level leadership and management programs, received a professional certification in management, and earned a degree in criminal justice. Since settling down in Barnwell County, Peachey and his wife have owned and operated a local cattle farm. Peachey served as a volunteer firefighter in the Elko fire district, coached and sponsored the Dixie Youth Baseball/Softball Association in Barnwell, volunteered and donated to the Barnwell County Career Center FFA chapter, is an active member of Press Church in Williston, was appointed and is an active member on the Barnwell County Planning Commission, and serves as Vice Chairman to the Barnwell County Republican Party.

Why have you chosen to run for this seat?

Hogg:  I have been serving Barnwell County in the volunteer capacity all my adult life.  Now that I have retired, I would like to serve in a different capacity and help shape Barnwell County to meet the needs of all the constituents.

Peachey: I have chosen to run for this position to be a fresh voice for our county who will make common sense decisions while standing up for the citizens and businesses of Barnwell County. I will utilize my experience to ensure not only the success of our community, but a bright future for our children who will hopefully raise their families right here in Barnwell County in years to come. As a local small business owner who understands how important county decisions are, and as a husband, father, and veteran, I have firsthand experience with the challenges and concerns our community faces. Throughout my life and career, I have found two constant, reliable sources of wisdom and guidance in all situations I have encountered, and intend to continue to rely on them while serving Barnwell County: the U.S. Constitution and the Bible.

What does holding this position mean to you?

Hogg:  It means I take on the voice of the people I serve. I must listen with an open mind and make thoughtful, well-informed decisions to the best of my ability.

Peachey:  As someone who has served his country and community for nearly three decades, I am passionate about advocating for positive advancements and changes. This position is an opportunity for me to help my fellow citizens have their voices heard within our community. Fostering relationships with our community members, business leaders, and faith organizations will be a number one priority for me if I am entrusted with this position. This will allow me to ensure the concerns, needs, and priorities of our neighbors are properly addressed.

How will you ensure the issues of the constituents you represent are prioritized on the county level?

Hogg:  The best way to learn your community’s concerns is to talk to people, become invested in their issues, and get to know them on a personal level.  Then, a clear picture can be formed regarding the most pressing matters that need to be addressed first and so on.

Peachey:  Economic development, which leads to an increased tax base and additional county funding, will improve all county matters. Not only will I work hard for my district, I will fiercely advocate for all of Barnwell County! I will stand for fiscal accountability and transparency; I will work toward attracting new industries, diversifying our economy, and supporting small business owners. I will steadfastly defend our public safety professionals, and make sure that residents’ voices are heard. I will stand up to over regulation and policies that negatively impact our county, our businesses, and our residents!

How will you build a relationship or build trust with the community you serve?

Hogg:  Establishing effective communication channels is crucial in developing any relationship, especially with your constituents.  One must maintain open lines of communication through meeting people where they are comfortable, either public forums, social media, or attending public gatherings to hear their issues.  By maintaining a transparent forum, the community will stay informed on all issues related to county government and know that I am there to serve them and be their voice.

Peachey: Trust and relationships are something that is earned over the course of time; however, I have learned that being honest and straightforward with those you serve vs. misleading or disingenuous will generally garner the best results and foster the best relationships. Those who know me, know “Integrity, Honesty, and Character” is not just a motto, but words I live by. 

I am not running for this position for any other reason but to make Barnwell County a better place for all of its residents. As an act to help build trust with our community and to demonstrate that my intentions are sincere, I pledge to donate 25% of my monthly pay as your county councilman to a county project or organization that will benefit the entire community, and help make Barnwell County a better place. 

While participating in county activities, I recently learned our county’s animal shelter is only able to budget $600 a year for animal food, and relies on community support to help fund the remaining needs. Because of this, I intend to make my first pledge to help alleviate this issue by purchasing approximately $200 a month in dog and cat food.

What are three major issues you think need to be fixed or addressed across the county?

Hogg:  Barnwell County needs to attract more businesses to improve economic development.  We need to continue to improve our educational development.  We need to generate funding for the school systems through grants and economic revenue, not strain the tax base on the constituents.  Finally, we need more local healthcare access for our community.

Peachey: Transparency – Over the years it has been observed that our council has not effectively communicated what is happening and/or what decisions are being considered within the county under the guise of “executive session”. Although all ordinances and/or resolutions are read at the monthly council meetings, they are oftentimes only read by “title only” and lack any details or particulars of matters under consideration, which residents want to know. County residents deserve to be informed so that they can advocate for their best interests. 

Fiscal Responsibility – It is the county council’s responsibility to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ money! While talking with potential constituents and others within the county, it is apparent that community members are disappointed in years of poor judgment in county spending and expect a representative who will stand up for supporting common sense spending while pushing back against wasteful or unproductive expenses. 

Economic Development – Although Barnwell County is in the rural part of our state, it has amazing people who live here, many of whom are either small business owners or entrepreneurs who want to either keep business local or bring business into our county from surrounding communities. Our current council is quick to entice industrial entities into our county by giving significant tax breaks, but leave the established small businesses and entrepreneurs behind. President Ronald Reagan once said that, “Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.'' Based on this, our county should consider incentivizing small businesses and entrepreneurs to help grow our economy. The better our county’s economy becomes, the lower our taxes will be!

What is your first priority if elected?

Hogg:  I would like to see more revenue generated in Barnwell County. This would help grow our community and help reduce the financial burdens that our taxpayers are feeling.

Peachey: Being active within the community for several years has placed me in a good position to have several concerns; however, a good leader recognizes that changes should not be made in haste, but any decisions should be analyzed prior to making any changes that affect our community. The first thing I intend to do is become familiar with any county issues or matters that I may not have sufficient information on, talk to my constituents and learn what matters to them, then prioritize any future decisions to align with my constituents’ priorities. Not only will I look at local practices, but also at best practices and programs occurring throughout our state and country and see where improvements can be made. For example, considering where programs like Lean Six Sigma could be implemented to not only streamline county operations, but also ensure we provide increased levels of service with fewer of your tax dollars.

What are some short term and long term goals if elected?

Hogg: Short term goals would be to improve infrastructure such as roads and bridges to enhance connectivity within the county.  Work with industries in the surrounding areas to develop a skilled workforce directly out of high school.  Develop partnerships with healthcare agencies to provide quality healthcare services. 

Long term goals are to develop and sustain the economic growth in Barnwell County, while maintaining environmental conservation.  We must, also continue to enhance our youth by providing the highest quality of education to prepare them for life.

Peachey: Short term: Ensure that our community members are staying informed on the issues by providing up to date and accurate information about county business. 

Long term: Reduction of non-essential spending at all levels, Adequate funding, equipment, and training for the county fire, emergency medical services, and law enforcement entities, and Economic development to lower county taxes, support existing businesses, and attract industries.