Dear Editor, As February is American Heart Month and since I found myself healing from open heart surgery (which was the last thing I thought I would be healing from), I was prompted to write to …
Dear Editor, Willie “Ed” Ray and family are grateful and would like to thank all first responders from Williston as well as surrounding area fire departments, EMTs, and 911 …
Dear Editor, In mid-December, I mailed a letter – not an email, text or voice message to Congressman Joe Wilson – directly to Wilson’s office in Washington, D.C. regarding the …
January 2, 2025 Theme: Ephesians 4:3 Make every effort to keep yourselves united in spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Greetings to all, I hope and trust this letter finds you in good …
Dear Editor, This is a response to the article in the November 13 th , 2024 issue about the tragic death of Markayla Roberts. Her name was added to the lengthy list of young lives cut short in …
Greetings to each of you, As we draw near to the end of 2024, we are looking ahead to a productive and prosperous 2025. On behalf of Sheriff Steve “Grits” Griffith …
JEFFERSON DAVIS ACADEMY Dear Santa, I want a 22 Rifle and a glock 19!!!!! Love, Connor Dear Santa, I want a KTM. and a gloc 19 and I want to meat KSI. I want a i phone 16 If you don’t …
As we come to the end of the first half of the school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible partnerships we share with our families. In Barnwell County School District (BCSD), we …
The holidays can be a festive and heartwarming time of year. For many people, holiday parties, family gatherings, and celebrations with friends are times to eat, drink, and be merry. But …
Dear Editor, Many of us just assume things have always been the way they are now. A brief perusal of an old Williston Way dated September 16, 1953 brings to mind memories of the past …
Dear Editor, I was greatly saddened to learn of Judge Rodney Peeples's death. I first met him on a high school class trip to witness a trial. I got to know him better during my years …
November 18th through the 22nd marks a special occasion across the United States: American Education Week (AEW), observed annually to honor public education and those who make a difference in …
Black Friday, traditionally the single busiest shopping day of the year, arrives a little late this year on November 29, with many stores advertising Black Friday prices much earlier. Instead of …
Dear Editor, Recently, a letter was published raising concerns about the Barnwell County School District’s finances, which included both misleading and inaccurate information. While we …
Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate the current County Council again for underfunding the rural fire service in Barnwell County. It shows by the recent increase in Insurance Service Office …
Dear Editor, Am I a climate change denier? I hope not, but if I am, I guess it’s not the end of the world—or maybe it will be, in which case I apologize in advance for my skepticism …
Dear Editor, I am the Barnwell County Treasurer but want to speak out as a citizen of Barnwell County. In the September 11 th issue of The People-Sentinel it was reported that the Barnwell …
Dear Editor, I was greatly saddened to read of the death of Vivian Holliday. I first knew her (but not well) during her time at Jefferson Davis Academy. The thing I remember most about her …
Happy Holidays (well soon enough anyway)! Our organization, the Barnwell County Rotary Club, sponsors the Secret Santa Program each year as one of our service projects. This program has been …
Dear Editor, As the mayors and community leaders of Barnwell County, we are united in our message regarding the upcoming Capital Project Sales Tax (CPST) referendum. Over the past several weeks, …
Dear Community, We hope that all of the patrons of the ABBE Regional Library System are safe and secure following the historic storm damage of Hurricane Helene. Due to a loss of power at …
Dear Editor, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to whoever cut up and cleared my property of the fallen tree limbs and carried them away. What a wonderful act of kindness; I …
Dear Editor, I would like to thank the following in our community for the behind the scenes work that has been done in our community that many people may not know: Long Branch Church for …
To all my Barnwell County Family, We have all faced the largest and most destructive Hurricane to have ever come up from the Gulf Coast in recorded history and yet we are still here. …
To the Editor of The People Sentinel, This is in reference to a well deserved person known as our Mayor of Barnwell. I was out of town when I learned that my family was home without electricity. …