Happy Holidays (well soon enough anyway)!
Our organization, the Barnwell County Rotary Club, sponsors the Secret Santa Program each year as one of our service projects. This program has been part of our community for almost 30 years, and we could not have done it without your help.
Secret Santa serves many needy families in the county that are unable to give their children gifts for Christmas. Your assistance with this program is appreciated.
The Department of Social Services screens each applicant and provides our Club a Christmas wish list for those children, ages two to ten, which are eligible for this service.
We are not asking you or your business to donate money; we are simply trying to get sponsors for these children. Donations are accepted though, if it is your wish to do so.
Sponsoring a child means purchasing toys for these needy children and spending about $75 per child.
If you are able to spend more than $75 per child, we ask that you please sponsor more than one child. We will provide you with a “wish list” for the child and the sponsor can come as close to their “wish” as they are able.
No clothes or expensive electronics please.
This could be a great service project and morale builder for your business or organization. What could be better than helping a needy child enjoy Christmas?!
We hope that you will consider helping these children. Please call us at the numbers below or email barnwellrotary@gmail.com should you have any questions.
Thank You and Happy Holidays!
Lynn McEwen Crissie Stapleton Don Alexander
803-300-2083 803-308-3993 803-300-0687