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Blue Devils Class of 2024 graduates from Williston-Elko High School


A delay and a change of location did not stop the next generation of Williston-Elko Blue Devil alumni from walking across the stage on May 24, 2024.
Junior marshals led the graduates into the auditorium where proud family members and friends applauded each as they walked down the aisle to music by Elisabeth Davis.
Student body president Nakiya Mercado provided the welcome for the event followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Jondalyn Dunbar and an invocation by senior class representative Kaitlyn Redd.
Valedictorian Gracyn Williams spoke about change in her speech.
“We stand here on the edge of our new beginnings, ready to embark on this next chapter of our lives with endless possibilities lying ahead of us. As we come together one last time to celebrate our achievements, look back on all of our memories ­together, and prepare for our future endeavors, I can’t help but be reminded of a timeless truth: The only constant is change,” said Wiliams.
She recounted their first days in kindergarten together and many of those that led up to this very moment.
“Yet as we sit here with our future in our hands, we must remember to embrace change, not as a challenge or something to be afraid of, but as an opportunity to grow and become stronger and more successful in our many pursuits,” said Williams.
“Change is inevitable whether we prepare for it or not, so instead of cowering from change, we should learn to use it to our advantage,” she said.
Williams referenced Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” to remind her classmates of a constant amongst change.
Class speaker Tyra Stroman shared a similar sentiment in her commencement address.
“Most of the class of 2024 started together and are finishing together,” said Stroman. “I have known the majority of my classmates since Kelly Edwards Elementary. Williston has allowed us to get comfortable. Everyone knows every­one and within these two traffic lights, word gets around fast. So for those of us going away to ­college, there will be a huge change.”
Stroman asked her fellow graduates to take a look at the person sitting next to them and remember the moments they have shared over the past 13 years of school.
“The truth is this may be the last time you sit beside them, because in a few moments, we’ll be going our separate ways,” said Stroman. “Nonetheless, we will always have the great memories we made with each other.”
Salutatorian Nathan Causey reminded his class­mates of some cherished memories in his speech; “field trips we have experienced together, clubs we have participated in, friend groups we have been in or even left; even something as simple or as meaningful as having lunch with your group of friends, and the memories we have all made from that, and will forever cherish,” said Causey.
Causey imparted some words of wisdom to his fellow classmates before leaving the stage; “Nothing ahead of us is going to be easy, and nothing ahead of us is going to be smooth sailing, and sure, there will be some sad and some bad moments, but you will get through it. I was always told growing up that to succeed at something to its fullest potential, you have to fail first,” he said.
The WEHS Class of 2024 received over$660,000 in scholarships with more to come with the final S.C. Life scholarships and Meeting Street scholarships are determined.