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Letter to the Editor - Barnwell couple grateful to BBEMC for life-saving medical care


Dear Editor,

On the 29th of November, my wife Marni told me she was feeling badly, and that I needed to take her somewhere to get some help. I took her over to the Bamberg-Barnwell Emergency Medical Center.

Some members of the medical staff there took her back into an examination room, where they began to work with her. It was obvious that something serious was going on. I was soon told by the doctor that her heart was racing and extremely out of rhythm and that she would probably not have lived through the night if I had not brought her to the clinic.

The staff called for a helicopter which flew my wife up to Providence Hospital (now MUSC) in Columbia. At MUSC, the doctors inserted a pacemaker and defibrillator in her chest, and she stayed at MUSC for four days in the ICU.

We were also told by some of the doctors at MUSC that it was extremely fortunate that she came when she did.

We are convinced that the Bamberg-Barnwell Emergency Medical Center staff saved my wife’s life with the Lord’s help.

As so, we want to publicly thank them for their service, and for the gracious way in which they carried it out.


Johnny Nixon,
