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Three nativity festivals celebrate birth of Jesus


Three upcoming events seek to remind the community about the “real meaning of Christmas” – the birth of Jesus Christ.

Hundreds of nativities from all over the world and made of all kinds of materials will be on display at nativity festivals across Barnwell and Allendale counties in the coming weeks.

“I love it because there are so many different shapes, sizes, materials, and ethnicities. Some came from Dollar General and others are expensive, but they are all beautiful and have the same meaning – our savior is born. It’s the same message in any language and country,” said Dana Byrd with the Ivy Garden Club of Williston.

The club is hosting its first Nativity Festival this weekend, Dec. 7 and 8.

The Williston United Methodist Church previously hosted the event for many years, but hasn’t held it in recent years. That’s why Byrd and other members of the garden club decided to bring it back.

“I remember several of the nativities and they were so beautiful,” said Byrd of attending the Methodist church’s event. “We are excited to bring it back.”

Close to 100 nativities will be on display at the Williston Nativity Festival on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 from 1 to 6 p.m.  in the Williston First Baptist Church’s Christian Activity Building (13030 Main St., Williston). This is a free event, but the church will have baked goods and crafts for sale to support missions.

A similar event will be held Dec. 7 and 8 at First Baptist Church of Barnwell (161 Allen St., Barnwell).

"As you begin your Christmas celebrations, we invite you to join us on Saturday Dec 7th and Sunday, Dec 8th and that as you view these scenes, you will reflect on the purpose and meaning of the very first nativity when God gave us the greatest gift of all - salvation through His son, Jesus Christ,” said Jennifer King, one of the event’s organizers.

She got the idea after attending the Nativity Festival at Williston’s United Methodist Church years ago.

The event left an impression on King, who loves nativities.

"We have a diverse collection of nativities from many different places all over the world,” said King.

This free event hosted by the FBC Barnwell Women’s Ministry will be held Saturday, Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 from 1 to 4 p.m.

A craft bazaar featuring Christmas crafts and baked goods will support the women’s ministry.

The following weekend, Dec. 13-14, Allendale  Presbyterian Church (230 Flat St., Allendale) will host its 4th Annual Follow the Star: A Celebration of Nativities.

Allendale Presbyterian Church recently purchased this large nativity that is on display in their sanctuary. It is dedicated in memory of three church members who passed away in 2024, including Carl Brunson, Helen Jackson, and Marcia Warren.
Allendale Presbyterian Church recently purchased this large nativity that is on display in their sanctuary. It is dedicated in memory of three church members who passed away in 2024, including Carl Brunson, Helen Jackson, and Marcia Warren.

“The whole point is to make sure that everybody understands that nativities represent all races and ethnicities. As Christians, we all love God and celebrate Jesus’ birth,” said Camille Nairn, who helped start the event with Amy Scott.

Like the other local nativity events, the Allendale one was also born from the original Williston United Methodist Nativity Festival, which Nairn and Scott attended years ago. They knew their community would benefit from such an event.

“We encourage people to come out and join in the Christmas spirit,” said Scott.

This year’s event will feature tables showcasing nativities from local churches, including Allendale Presbyterian, First Baptist Church Allendale, Swallow Savannah Methodist,  Simpson Church, and St. Mark Church.

Nativities of all shapes, sizes, colors and materials will be on display, including a 100-year-old nativity made of dyed corn husks on loan from Ernie Stevenson.

There is a new larger nativity on display in the church’s sanctuary that is dedicated to three church members who died in 2024.

This is a free event, but attendees are encouraged to bring a donation or a bag of Pedigree dry dog food to support Partners for Pets, an animal rescue group in Allendale. The church will also be selling ornaments representing animals of the nativity.