A recent comment from a reader came in with a popular notion from a few years back when Republicans weren’t totally in control of S.C. politics: term limits. The reader said, “It is …
Scammers are at it again, posing as representatives from loan processing companies to trick consumers into sharing personal information, most recently using the name Jessica. This advanced fee …
Founded in 1973 by the late Posey Belcher, the Barnwell County Ministerial Coalition, originally called the Barnwell County Ministerial Association, has been a pillar of faith and service in our …
Achieving financial wellness is crucial for a secure and stress-free life. Whether you're looking to save more, reduce debt, or simply manage your money better, practical and effective strategies can …
The man sitting across from me at a restaurant was picking at his chicken pot pie, talking more than eating. He had a story to tell. He was born on Aug. 20, 1944 in a hospital in Fayetteville, …
It’s no secret that the last four years have been brutal for small businesses across South Carolina and the nation. From the COVID-19 pandemic to heavy inflation, small businesses have …
While legitimate sellers use modern technologies to simplify the car-buying process, fraudsters use similar technology to carry out elaborate impostor scams. Since Better Business …
I used to only want tangible copies of books. However, I’m slowly coming around to enjoy- ing Kindle books more and more. Now, don’t get me wrong, I will always love print …
The IRS recently announced that they will begin accepting 2024 tax returns on Monday, January 27 th and the filing deadline will be Tuesday, April 15 th . If you need help with your tax …
Editor’s Note: This op-ed piece originally was published by the S.C. Daily Gazette at www.scdailygazette.com and has been republished with permission. Each year, there are somewhere …
You can learn something from just about everybody, I believe. Jessica Phillips Henricks, a former Foxfire student, and I confirmed that belief when we interviewed scores of folks for a book …
Dear Alyssa, I am finding that it is hard for me to stay active in winter and it is affecting my mental health. How can I move my body and see results? Dear Mover and Shaker, I can …
As a teenager, I had a Bob Dylan poster hanging on my bedroom wall. My sister, at that time, talked my parents into sending me to modeling school with an additional course in public speaking. It …
Debt collection scams can be one of the most frightening and persistent scam types. Victims often report that scammers harass them or their family members for weeks or even months, both at home and …
The beginning of a new year is often associated with increased interest in gym memberships, at-home workout equipment and programs designed around living a healthier lifestyle. As consumers recover …
As an educator, I remember the late nights all too well — the hours spent piecing together resources, searching online and crafting material. Like so many educators, I wanted my lessons to …
Several days ago, someone told our grandson Alex that Lynchburg, Virginia, would get a foot of snow overnight. Lynchburg is his temporary residence as he studies to beçome a …
I’m not a fan of the movie Gladiator. I know, blasphe- my, right? I have a reason though. The one thing that has always stuck with me from the movie was the ending when Russell …
Given all of the political discontent across the United States, is there anything to be hopeful about? Susan Glisson, a Georgian who gained renown running the William Winter Institute for Racial …
According to reports, more than 50% of us returned a Christmas gift during the 2023 holiday season. Clothing topped the list with home decor following close behind. But with …
My daddy wouldn’t like today’s country music. Well, he’d like some of it, mainly the songs that sound country and with words a man could understand. I recorded the Country …
About this time every year since 2009, we implore state lawmakers to look at South Carolina’s big picture and do the work that will make life better for most people – those whose taxes …
The start of a new year is the perfect time to resolve to protect your personal and financial information. BBB presents the following 10 New Year’s resolutions to fight scammers, prevent …
We’re in the midst of the holiday shopping season, and you may see offers for the best deals yet. It can feel even more exciting if you see a claim that as part of a holiday deal, the …
If you, like me, sometimes think that members of the human race have been vaccinated against kindness, we’re both wrong. It’s still here. We just need to turn away from all the hate and …