Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Letter: Tim Moore was a true "Renaissance" man who will be missed


Dear Editor,

Few are considered true Renaissance men. Tim Moore was one. He had a wide range of intellectual and athletic interests, read widely (history, non-fiction and fiction), had a commitment to the U.S. military, loved animals (especially cows), and also loved the law.

When in Tim’s presence, one could recognize a deep thinker in many different areas. He was a tremendous judge of talent, both academically and athletically. Tim had a well-reasoned and insightful political philosophy which included government working for the betterment of those less privileged.

Those close to him were keenly aware that there was no better family man. He was the ultimate son, husband, father, and grandfather. Additionally, all in a tremendously large extended family called on him for advice on all issues.

Many from the highest echelons and lowest levels of financial struggle called Tim both a friend and counselor. I am one of the many that will miss him terribly.

Most respectfully,

Terry E. Richardson Jr.,
